Dheerendra Tiwari
Dheerendra was initiated into dance by Guru Ruchi Sharma & Guru Taposh Giri. Under their able guidance he started his training. There after he continued under the tutelage of Guru Pandit Rajendra Gangani Ji, who is a known Kathak Maestro of Jaipur Gharana & is the torch bearer of his Gharana in its purest form. It is here that Dheerendra learnt subtle & technical intricacies of his dance form. He has completed his “Nritya Prabhakar” in Kathak from Prayag Sangeet Samiti, Allahabad (U.P.). As a regular student of the National Insitute of Kathak Dance, Kathak Kendra, New Delhi, Dheerendra completed Diploma (Hons.) and topped his institute. Dheerendra has received the prestigious scholarship from “Sahitya Kala Parishad” & “Kathak Kendra” New Delhi. Dheerendra has given many remarkable solo performances in prestigious festivals of India & abroad. He has participated in many group compositions & choreographic pieces directed by leading Gurus like Pt. Rajendra Gangani, Pt. Jai Kishan Maharaj, Shri Krishan Mohan Mishra, Smt. Vaswati Misra, Smt. Geetanjali Lal, Smt. Aditi Mangaldas, Smt. Chetna Jalan and Kumudini Lakhia Ji. He has been an integral part of the Aditi Mangaldas Dance Company – The Drishtikon Dance Foundation. He has recently given a Solo performance at one of the world’s most prestigious festival, Darbar Festival, curated by Mr. Akram Khan at the Sadlers Wells, London, UK. Dheerendra is currently working as a Senior Kathak Faculty with the Bharatiya Kala Kendra, Mandi House, New Delhi.