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Help us make kathak a household name. Follow us on YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook, and share with your friends and family.

Connected to business or media outlet interested in sponsoring a nonprofit? Make an introduction.


The New York Kathak Festival is a 501(3)(c) tax-exempt nonprofit organization.
All contributions are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law.

Make a Donation

Create a Facebook fundraiser to help raise funds for the NYKF. Learn more here.

The New York Kathak Festival strives to be an inclusive, inspiring platform for established and emerging artists, with space for connection, dialogue, and exchange.

The New York Kathak Festival follows an open application process, where anyone is welcome to share their submission to perform at the festival.

The application to perform at the New York Kathak Festival 2025 is now closed. Be sure to scroll down on this page to follow us on Instagram and Facebook, or sign up to our email list to be informed of news + announcements about the festival and future opportunities to perform and participate.

Please note, we do not accept any applications via email or via referrals and recommendations.